Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Google likes music

By Adrián Coutin

Several weeks ago Google launched a new service, Youtube Music, a real threat to a company established in this topic, Spotify.

It is not the first time Google launches music products to offer your prospects. Google Play is already there but not the expected results. Perhaps it is because you can be the owner of traffic but not of the quality or "do not know" to attract clients.

 At the moment, according to the Spanish newspaper CincoDías, Google has reached agreements with the major record allowing you to provide a competitive service, the price is the same as its rival Spotify, large music catalog and the idea that the new service from Google have one of the best reaches of Internet, Youtube.

Youtube, according to the previous source, has about one billion unique visitors each month and, as we all know many visitors searching for music videos. Now Its users will have a unique possibility to access Youtube own specialized service with streaming music.

Google further action to ensure the supremacy of the new product is that Google is notifying subscribers Play Music will have free access to the content of the new service and vice versa. CNET source

Youtube Music has great potential to reach a high number of potential clients in few months creating a real problem to veteran company in the sector of music streaming like Spotify. However not all is said and Google Trends can help us to observe some interest data.

Let start this analysis checking how and where is searching Spotify and Youtube since 2004.

Google Trends - Search "Spotify"

As you can see "Spotify" searches is increasing permanent since 2009 with just only a decreasement period, June 2011. So if we assume that searching for this trade mark is connected to the popularity of this streaming music services, Spotify has grown its popularity during from 2009 to the present year.

So look now main countries origin from these search (Regional interest)

Main searches for "spotify" are from developed countries which high income per capita so it lets us assume that a high numbers of these users can convert in subscriber clients of Spotify.

 Now, using a simple approach, we would like to know the search levels of "youtube" focus on subjects connected to the music. So I'm going to search about trends in "youtube music" keywords. 

As can be seen with the naked eye searching on "youtube music" has moved in different trends with high and low periods. The best time of demanding "youtube music" was December 2010, after it the demanding of this keyword is unstable.

The increase of this search in November 2012 was connected which the launched of stream and share youtube music videos with Tubair. After this year we can't see an significant demand of youtube connected to music service.

The regional interest of this keyword give us a more accurate of potential market of music service in Youtube.

The main countries are from Caribbean region and Africa which means a small market with low income.

 So we all this partial data we can assume that Google - Youtube will increase efforts to attract relevant markets to its new service without forgetting that mobile market, where the situation is different, is going to be its principal platform.

It is the beginning of the battle we are going to see many changes in music streaming market.

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